Thursday, August 9, 2007

Short Book Review: Reforming Marriage

The wife just finished "Reforming Marriage" by Doug Wilson. I had read it before. I still think it is the best book on Christian marriage out there. Was a big tool to help me get a biblical overview to my marriage. Now I had many good principles, but as with most of my biblical awareness it was very disjointed, compartmentalized. This book gave a skeletal structure for my bits and pieces to be hung from and joined them together. It was in the Word the whole time, but my presuppositions caused me to interpret it in harmony with most of the culture and modern evagelicalism in particular, but which left it no longer in harmony with parts of God's word. If the foundation isn't right what you build on top will of course be less than solid. This book just topples the Idols of American individualism, egalitarianism and then leaves the fork in Feminism. Small book. Big on God's Word and Principles. Debbie Pearl's book "Created To be His Help Meet" had a lot of women throwing the book against the wall while muttering "this cannot be from the Lord". I kept thinking of that as I read this book. Strong meat. Sweet to the soul. Grab a life jacket.

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