Friday, August 10, 2007

For My Servant David's Sake

From 2 Kings chpt 18 and 19:14 we read that Hezekiah cries out to God for help against Assyria and in verse 35 we read "and it came to pass that the angel of the Lord went out, and killed in the camp of the Assyrians 180,000.". The number is staggering. At 19:20 Isaiah explains it is because you prayed to me...I have heard. And at 19:34 God has Isaiah end with "for I will defend this city, to save it for my own sake and for my servant, David's sake"

That little last sentence is so easy to breeze on by and miss the enormity of it. Because we are not use to seeing things multi-generationally.

For my servant David's sake.... My family got our timeline out of the different kings of Judah and Israel. God says this after David has been dead for approx 250/280 yrs. Now that is a legacy. David continued to impact his nation for a long, long, long time. We can begin to order our lives, our priorities, how we interact or do not interact with our children. We can cry out to God, to show me Lord! Lead me in a lifestyle that may impact future generations for your glory! Tomorrow we will make choices that are either future oriented or oriented for the present. We have been trained and conditioned to live for the moment, to go for the gusto and get that 10 minute legacy! God forbid it, we have been created for the glory of God

David set up supplies for Solomon to build the temple. I don’t know what it is that God would have all of us to do but at the very least we can begin to inculcate in our children that their lives are not about themselves. That they are to live for future generations. Like we should be living. God will show us if we are willing. I used to say I want to impact my children's children for 200yrs for the Glory of God. If David could impact a Nation for 250yrs why cannot I ask God to help me impact just a family line for 250yrs. A vison like this will impart purpose. Deliberateness. This is something worth living for. Worth dying for. May it be so.

For those who say we shouldn't be distracted by all this other stuff, that we should focus on Jesus, well....let's look at Jesus...God's Son, Jesus, our example, impacted and changed all of history for all eternity by living for the Glory of his Father. The ultimate mutli-generational picture! Eph 4:11-16 says that..till we all come the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ...and...but speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things into him who is the head-Christ. We are Chrisitans, little Christs, Follow the leader! Go and do thou likewise!

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