Saturday, August 25, 2007

So Let Your Light, updated, CD1

Talked about this this set of cd's from RC Sproul Jr Highland Study Center. I want to pass on how truly liberating Ken Meyers is in describing God's creation as part of the redemption we have in Christ. As a modern evangelical I always took what God has done or is doing and made the individual, me, as the focal point for what he is doing, I take the focus off of God and place it on me! TA Dah!!! (enough of me talking about myself, what do you think about me!)

This will screw up how you interpret scripture and look at life.
He presents a holistic view of the Chrisitan life. I loved it. If you like having a fragmented, compartmentalized, American view of your faith and life, Don't get these cds!

His point was we separate creation from redemption. Adopt the sacred/secular view of life.

Some teasers...

"It's the task of the Chrisitan community to give witness and guidance in the living of life in a culture that is relentless in restricting and reducing life"

"we think that concern for daily life and concern for eternal life might be opposed to each other"

"the gospel is not the fracture of heaven and earth but the wedding of the two..."

"when Jesus defines the mission of the church in what we call the great commision he doesn't say to go out and save souls,he begins by declaring that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, he has authority over every aspect of creation and every aspect of human life and so there is no dimension we should not strive to be his disciples...."

"Christ's victory on the cross has consequences for every part of our lives"

" so when the church must show what the way of Jesus is for everything....Our culture isn't just confused about sin and grace, it's confused about everything, it's confused about the family, justice, history, work, nature, sex, beauty, it's not just confused about religion.."

"we like to keep the gospel separate from creation, there's an advantage, unbelievers like it because then we keep our faith to ourselves, believers like it because we don't have to look weird, we don't have to do anything challenging we can accept the world's understanding of reality except on Sunday... but it's not biblical.

"when Jesus said to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and render to God what is God's he didn't mean that Caesar gets to define what is his, he doesn't decide what the split is...

This talk went past the 7/8 times listening mark, always a measure on how much is there.

available here

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