Saturday, October 25, 2008

What the Fed has been doing

Gary North has this posting that is, open to all, on how much the Fed is inflating right now.

It can be seen here

Now Gary has shown other charts where, like before Y2K and after 911, the fed pumped money like crazy, but shortly thereafter they effectively pulled the money back out of the economy which kept inflation for exploding. Gary thinks no way does the Fed keep doing what he is doing now.

The chart is eyebrow raising and when someone is Garys age and who has been a central bank/fed watcher for a long time says..."I have never seen anything like this."

For the past year the Fed/the central Bank has been saying no problem, no problem, and then has engaged in a seemingly endless series of historic never before behaviors and actions you know the game has changed. The Fed and by extension the federal govenment doesnt want the game to change because it has been very lucrative. But you can only engage in bahavior that flys in the face of Gods law so long before you will reap what you are sowing.

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