Monday, October 6, 2008

More Info, Ever heard of Mises?

Say it again, why should you even listen for a solution from someone who didnt think anything was wrong? What kind of faith does it take to call someone an expert who didnt sound an alarm?

The Mises Inst has been probably the loudest and clearest warning bell ringer about Central banks and The Fractional Reserve Banking system. They have tons of info for those who would like to better grasp of what is inherently wrong with our banking system. Note, mainstream media thinks these guys are kooks.

No one who becomes known as a specialist in austrian economics is allowed to teach at a REAL university! Who looks like the crackpot now.

Loads of free articles at Mises.

Gary North comes from the same perspective but can, and does liberally add in the biblical injunctions that get violated. He does have a free side with an incredible amount of material.
Garys site

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