Monday, October 20, 2008

Their objective is to live as sustainably and self-sufficiently as possible in an urban environment

File under useful info , Gary North has pointed out a useful book. At their website they talk of citified animals.....

Urban Homesteading
by Dan Shul

The Urban Homestead/ Your Guide To Self-Sufficient Living In The Heart of the City by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen; Process Media, 2008; 308 pages

Those who live in an urban or suburban area should find this book helpful…

Their main premise is lawns are wasted space and a waste of resources, and any urban or suburban homeowner should not be wasting water and time with anything that can't be consumed….

It's written from a Southern California perspective--water shortages and potential food shortages are addressed.

Topics include: worms, composting, building raised beds and self-watering containers, gardening advise on soil, controlling insects, installing drip irrigation, high-density gardening, rotating crops, raising chickens (or pigeons, rabbits, etc.).

Also included are chapters on preserving, dehydrating, making yogurt and cheese, jams and jellies….

I know some are gonna love this site.

"The yard has over 350 varieties of edible and useful plants. The homestead's productive 1/10 acre organic garden now grows over 6,000 pounds (3 tons) of produce annually. This provides fresh vegetables and fruit for the family’s vegetarian diet and a source of income." Here is the website

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