Wednesday, September 17, 2008

$$$ Up in Smoke, Down another 450 points

This is a great picture of what is going on in the economy. From Gary North....

Reefer Madness and Subsidy Madness
In 1936, there was a low-budget movie called Reefer Madness. It has become a cult classic. It is online here.

It was produced during Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. A really accurate movie describing the New Deal would have been called "Subsidy Madness." Few people saw the connection in 1936. Few see it today. About 95% of those few who do see it deny it whenever the withdrawal pains begin. I call them the libertarian cheerleaders.

The addiction to government subsidies is much greater because the results seem more pleasant, the market is far larger, the resistance is minimal, and the result is the same. Just as with hallucinatory substances, you need ever more government regulation and more fiat money to get the same buzz.... whole article here

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