Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Biggest Crack Addict

Quickly, so the mess has really begun. I have a some questions to ponder as you see and read the news. Watch how things are portrayed. Does any portrayals redefine things away from how the Bible would define it?

We are watching bad fruit appearing all over, It would be a serious error to mis-diag. what the actual cause was. I have heard many times that what is happening is being called a credit crisis. That institutions cannot get more needed liquidity, credit, IE money. But it would appear that what got these outfits in trouble was an unrestrained access to credit?

Lehmen Brother which just filed for bankruptcy owes creditors 600 plus billion dollars. When they were healthy (?) they had, and used lots and lots of credit. So if they could have had more debt, then they would have been ok?

Has anyone ever heard of someone going to a financial counselor with too many bills that cannot be paid and be told, your problem isn’t your debt, its that no one will loan you any more money, we must get you another line of credit?

I have heard many point the finger at Greenspan but so far "the Fed", "The Central Bank" is still only seen as the good guy, and not the real cause.

But the biggest debtor is the US Government. we owe about 7-9trillion,(who's counting?) and I enjoy the irony of the voices that say the government must do something. Help! Nothing like going to biggest crack addict in town and saying you have to help these people, their addicted.

Can we trust those who didn't see this coming, the regular news people and by them running and interviewing the same experts who didn't see it coming for the answers is confirmation that they are the last ones we should listen to. They are defined by God as Fools. Those who would say there is no God.

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