Saturday, September 13, 2008

In the Days of Palin..Where are the Christian men?

So the Question was asked where are the Christian men? This was my responce to the question. Its like we thought there are no Christian men. but there are this type of men and they were tired Of the compramises of the Republican party so a new party was birthed that made no bones about being Christian. The constitution Party.

To depart from the fear of God is to lack any sense of reality. .”.Rushdooy1)

I believe it was Martin Luther who argued to the effect , that at whatever point the enemy is attacking, that the Christian must be there with Gods word, or he is missing in action.

"The follower of Christ today confronts a political tradition which has divorced itself from Gods sovereign authority over it…" Bahnsen 2)

“…The Christian cannot be satisfied so long as any human activity is either opposed to Christianity or out of all connection with Christianity…” Machen

Huzza huzza! Rob, and Amen! The church has been silent on most areas of life. Machen noted that the church was too busy trying to be relevant to man a hundred years ago. What man has always needed was to be shown his only relevance, meaning, purpose, is in relation to God. We will either be in rebellion or in obedience to God and his word. There is will be a lot of believers that are gonna be in a snit as we show them the words of the God they serve, in relation to issues of the day. But that, is where the battle is today. We must be his witness. We must Christianize the Christians as Wilson would say.

And where are the men? Here’s a couple.

This is the preamble to the Constitution partys platform….

"The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.

This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been and are afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here…".more Sign me up. Oh wait, I already have.

Concerning Republicans and Palin…. Doug Phillips nails it “…After decades of Christian leaders fighting against the feminstic vision of the working supermom, Republicans are now showcasing the vision in the most high profile election in the world…

The church is without excuse. Gods word is not silent. If you want clearer understanding on what God directs concerning women as rulers, here is an exegetical teaching by Einweicher and this is how it starts...

"With more and more women entering the political sphere and running for political office, the conscientious, biblically oriented Christian is confronted with the question of whether or not he should give his support and vote to a woman. This question becomes more pressing for many when the “best candidate,” i.e., the most conservative, pro-life candidate in a particular race is a woman…".more

As Gary north would say....."Gods plan for man is one of unconditional surrender to Him"

We in the church, will either lead the way in obedience, or in rebellion.

God bless, David

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