Sunday, September 28, 2008

A time when "not many" has morphed into "almost all:"

Its no secret the I get a lot from Doug Wilson. But on the Palin affair I have not been on board with him. Today he linked to this posting for Bayly Blog, which I thought was outstanding.

Governor Palin and the order of creation...

"...When I served as the Executive Director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, I tired of those halfway covenant men who showed great zeal to defend the creation order where it maintained the male prerogative in the church and home, while dismissing it Monday through Saturday, everywhere else. Are the Fall and Creation Order really meaningless outside the church and home? Are they really immaterial everywhere else? Does it really not matter a whit that Sarah Palin is a woman?

Yes, I can hear the response: "Of course it matters, but not the way you say. The Creation Order and the Fall have nothing to do with a woman serving as Commander in Chief, Supreme Court Justice, or President. The New Testament never addresses such positions. Adam being created first and Eve being deceived have no--I repeat, no--application to life outside the church and home."

Conveniently, this leaves intact the two-wage household as well as higher education degrees and jobs worthy of reformed believers' social class.

We don't really think the deceitful effects of our great wealth are absent from this debate, do we?

Thus the order of creation becomes a private conviction for Christians only, practiced in the narrow confines of church and home with complete freedom and androgyny of leadership everywhere else.

This is convenient for a time when "not many" has morphed into "almost all:"...whole article

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