Monday, September 29, 2008

Another view on the Vote today

A great Post from Wilson on todays Bail out vote...

The Wall Street Wastrels

...The second point is this. In the aftermath of its defeat in the House, the doom-saying moved on to a specification of the negative effects that Main Street would soon have experience -- which, to this point, appears to be a severe tightening in the amount of available credit. But Americans were borrowing way too much anyway, and so perhaps this will be an enforced but nevertheless welcome respite. We are like a drunk who did the "drunk and disorderly thing" one too many times, and so the judge gave us 30 days, in which we can do a little involuntary drying out. Explain to me again why this is bad, exactly.

Sure, there will be some discomfort. Market corrections after irrational exuberance always bring discomfort. God gave us hangovers for a reason. Better hard adversity that is honest with you than loose prosperity that lies to you all the time. God is not mocked -- a man reaps what he sows. General sentiment in Washington notwithstanding, this is not a bad thing.
whole article here

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