Monday, November 3, 2008

God Allows error....

“…God allows error, men should not deny to one another what God allows…”

Otto’s constitution talk, free mp3

Let me admit my bias, I really, really like reading Otto Scott. Listening isn’t quite as good, as he is a bit on the dry side with his presentation. But he is always very interesting, very readable! It Was Morecraft on a “history of the world” set who first mentioned Otto Scott and his “the Great Christian revolution” as the most readable history of the reformation. I loved it. He does deeper digging than most, works from original documents and such. He doesn’t spare anyone with his observations, “good guys” and “ bad guys” he will point out where they missed it. He determines that by Gods word. Mr Scott used the bible as his reference point, he knew what the standard was.

I finished listening to his talk on the constitution on my morning work ride. With work being so slow I have had abundant writing time at work. Could you tell?

Anyway this is such an informative talk. We get upset at what we see as transgressions to the constitution today. When you listen to this mp3 you find out how long ago the attack on it started, by 1800 it was in full swing. He spends this talk displaying how it was circumvented through the 1800’s.
I did feel like I am very late to the crime scene. He used the term we have been taught “slogan” history to keep us ignorant.

At the end he gave this observation that should be part of our ever present thinking in our brain as we interact with each other on these emails and with each other in the Church.

“…original sin exists in all, it should not result in recriminations or condemnation, every one is fallible and all men err, God allows error, men should not deny to one another what God allows, recognition of error is the first step in its repair…”

We are gonna need to get comfortable with this idea, or we will wind up real uncomfortable with each over.

We will not be able to afford that, In the days and years to come.

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