Monday, November 3, 2008

Dross and Debt

From Lew Rockwell. Mr Fedeko has some observations that are on target too. I think he correctly can see the problem, IE that government shouldn't’t be doing what the family and church should be doing. But he uses this column to make a point about how our silver has become dross.

Dross and Debt by Jim Fedako

….Both major party candidates have platforms that appeal to many Christians….

….I can understand the ends sought by these two sets of Christians. Improving the lot of the poor and protecting the family are indeed worthy ends. However, we must consider the means used to achieve those ends.
The agent responsible for employing the means is government – not God or His church, but government and its associated bureaucrats and minions. The agent is worldly, as are its resources. Now many Christians have no issue with government acting on their behalf. They see government as a valid means to perform works in the name of God’s church….

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