Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A glimpse at the future?

Here is a source for Argentina financial news. Argentina defaulted on its debt in 2001 and to see what has happened to that nation gives a hint at what things might be like when America finally defaults. It will default at some point. There is no effort here to cut back on spending. With the commitments that have been made to SS, medicaid, medicare and prescription drugs. Even without any of the "bail out" spending the US was forcasting a debt of over 90 trillion dollars in the years ahead.

I have posted a previous link to an individual describing what life is now like there.

Iceland is just beginning its journey down this same road with their near default this year. Inflation has just started to take off. Zimbabwe takes the cake, in 2006 they had a 100,000 dollar bill and now they have 100,000,000 bills two years later.

Argentina is now seizing all the private retirement accounts (401k's)

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