Thursday, September 13, 2007

Enjoying My New Vision

From January 2007

Prior to a year ago everything I saw in the Bible was about man, how does God want to bless us, definately I saw it as man-centered.

So much so that even now as I read some portions of scripture it is still hard to see them with my new eyes. I was so wet. Now I am forcing myself to think, "Does this honor God and His Word or accomodate man and his flesh." I am getting rid of books around my house where I can see that they where man pleasing at there center,"having a form of Godliness but denying the power there of."

I can read and hear new sources and do this very easily now, but I have seen the scriptures for so long through the wrong grid that it can be so much harder with them. :(

But now...does it honor God? does it magnify God? does it glorify God? or does it accomodate man's flesh? All of man's problems stem from him being a sinner.

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