Sunday, September 16, 2007

Email Follow Up

This was additional comments to the previous Email entry...

The Bernstein Bears, very, very cute, but the father bear never gets it right, the kids are always sharper than dad, mom always keeps it together, but the father always is portrayed as bumbling. It's not even subtle, but we're so used to fathers and men being portrayed in unflattering light, we just start laughing at it too. So, we have men rise up to the image that they have been presented with over and over again. It's war on one of God's image barer. It's a thousand little things, most of them maybe not big, in our eyes, maybe their wrapped up in humor so we don't even stop to think that, "it's not a big deal". It's what we swim in. Death by a thousand cuts, and each cut is an issue of bearing false witness about our Father's design, definition, and order for life.

There is a different war waged against our ladies, but the end result is the same, to change what He has created them to be and do, and instead they hear the siren song that "this way is the fullfillment you have always wanted." The enemy even couchs it in our terminology, "God has gifted you for a reason, He wants you to blossom," true, true... but it's the what and where of the "gifting and the blossoming" that then keeps the women from receiving that which they were really created for.

Yes, it's more than what is being said, what is happening? what is the setting? what are the attitudes? what roles are being played out? and by whom? who is leading? etc, etc. Every thought captive, that he may have preeminece in all things.

"It's not a big deal, it's not that bad", are these the words of a people being victorious and set apart from a culture, a pecular people? or the words of a people going into captivity?

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