Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All of a sudden so much of what use to be fuzzy is coming into focus. I feel like I have been holding my Bible sideways for all these years.

Better late than never. From last January...we had just had the baby and my wife spent lots of time feeding the baby....

Great, Great resource those guys at Stand to Reason, I purchased and downloaded some mp3 from them...these are worldview, nuts and bolts how to understand and be able to explain to others...

Evil, Suffering, and the Goodness of God download the mp3, cheap.

$13 for 2 cds and study notes or 4.99 for the same thing in mp3 with pdf study notes Moral Relativism and Monkey Morality...plus then there's no shipping! And I got it that night, whoopee! Relativism, Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air Outstanding talk. When you realize that you will have to listen to it about 4 to 5 times you will then say it was beyond cheap.

Beth is devourering everything in the house, I had no idea how many hours you spend breastfeeding a child, now I can grasp it, she's heard everything we have on mp3, the entire History of the World, 60 talks, the whole Uniting Church and Family Conference, multiple times on some of them. It has spurred me on to convert some other tape sets to mp3, she figures 240 feedings in a month, possible 40 minutes a shot at least, that's 4-5 lectures a day, she might have heard about 50 of the Kevin Swanson daily radio shows 20-25 minutes each. She's gonna have trouble lifting her head off the pillow. The $20 for the mp3 player was one of the best purchases ever, She's feeding the baby and her mind. The Stand to Reason stuff..she's halfway through Rushdoony's History of the World, she's like a locust and the baby's not even a month old.... We didn't even think to start using it at first. God said children are a blessing!

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