Saturday, July 12, 2008

But the Bible Doesnt Say We Have To Do That part2

Responding to marcs comments....
And as for change for your penny, I can give you half a farthing.

Your email made me think of all the warnings in scripture to teachers,elders etc, from both old and new testament. The warning is because they can lead HIS people astray and or be led astray with the wrong teaching. You can be discipled wrong. Being born again doesnt innoculate oneself from wrong teaching. Otherwise... why give a warning if his people cannot be led astray? Being led astray doesnt mean your salvation is in question. Maybe your just an American. :)

The Bereans didnt get the kudos from Paul because they were born again, so they couldnt miss it, but rather that they went to the scriptures to see if it was so. Which of course was the Old testament. I just love that! ( So technically you can tell someone, that unless they go to the Old Testament to "see if it was so" they are not a Berean. Ooh, oooh , you can tear out your New Testament and still be qaulified to be a Berean.(?) That will twist some knickers.)

And of course you have the Galatians and Corinthians where Paul didnt write back to them going, "you know I didnt think you guys were saved anyway."

So I dont disagree that we might have a lot of confused lost people around. But on this issue that Rob brought up ( he is such a trouble maker) we are very comfortable, that they really do love the Lord and yes, are among the numbered.

But I might raise my eyebrows at how they(I) were discipled. HHHmmmm. I admit that a lot of these areas didnt stick with me at the start. I do think some of us kick and scream along the way more than others. It also says something when someone will risk the relationship with you because they think you are becoming a cult. At leaste they care, right? That should be a blessing to us I think. But of course then you want to slap them.

The issue is that their big argument isnt to point torwards a more biblical way, or to show how you are biblically incorrect but rather.... " but the bible doesnt say we have to do that!" I guess Im calling into question their standard!?! Or lack of it?!?

I have some more to add, but not tonight. Im still throwing it at the wall in my mind to see if it sticks. Some of it is hanging pretty good.

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