Saturday, July 12, 2008

But the bible Doesnt Say we have to Do That

Anyone have different thoughts,or two cents on this topic?

From Sunday. Rob triggered me to pondering about this phrase today..."But the bible doesnt say we have to do that" No, Rob wasnt saying it to me.

If seems if you start applying Gods word in a manner that affects how you live, many believers, rather than trying to show from the word how maybe a different way of living life, or showing a different application, is also biblical. They will instead shoot that phrase back as a responce. Or a defense?

More times than not it appears it is used to protect the status quo as much as anything. We can rub that phrase on as a topical ointment to keep from changing or having to wrestle through the implications of Gods word. The status qou, the accepted dogma(1. see below), the way we have always done things always seems to be behind the curtain labled... "But the bible doesnt say we have to do that"

Like its not polite to lift up the curtain and say "why do we do this?" How rude!

You dont even have to ask. You become suspect just because what your doing is different than other believers?

Today Wilson kind of had a column that sort of touches, "certain aspects", on this subject. Sort of. Its part of the mix I think.

(1.) today Gary north had this comment on the word Dogma. Really he was commenting on central banking but his use of the word and his observations fit nicely with the soup we have on the table.

There is no more widely believed dogma in Western universities business and economics programs then faith in the central bank. No criticism of central banking is tolerated in American universities. You can always find the central dogma of any institution by looking for that idea or institution that is never criticized. Central banking in Western universities is never criticized.

I would add "what cultural institutions are just accepted or left alone?" Would you people sit down your rocking the boat!!!

1 comment:

David Terry said...

(this is a responce from my friend Marc)

Hello David and the rest,

I will throw one penny at you! Although the Bible doesn't say I have to do that!!!- I will nonetheless!

I have the privilege of meeting and speaking with many different people every day, and a reasonable percentage of them profess Faith in Jesus, however, they seem to be somewhat perplexed by the conversations we get into. They are-for certain-drenched in seeker sensitive culture. I hear the most absurd things flow so easily from their tongues: "I was born a Christian"--"I repented and believed years ago"--"I respect all beliefs, we're all God's children you know!"--"But the bible doesn't say we have to do that"-- and my favorite--"I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I'll ask God for forgiveness on Sunday, and He will forgive me!!!"

So then, what is the Problem??? Answer: They have never read the Bible!!! Perhaps not in every case, but in the vast majority. If you don't believe me--question them! Who was King David's first wife? Who destroyed The Lord's temple that Solomon built? The response is great: "bububu! uhm! Well I haven't read the whole Bible!

A dear friend of mine--who I am convinced is saved--I think--at least--I hope and pray he is saved! I kid you not!! Two days ago we were talking on the phone, and I brought up one of my Bible buddies, "King Hezekiah," (ps--Rob slanderously attacked King Hezekiah a while back---I forgive you Rob!! just kidding everyone). Anyway, my friend didn't know anything about King Hezzy. When I ask why, he informed me that he has never read the Old Testament, save Genesis alone. When I ask why--you're not going to believe this--he said, "I'm afraid it will make me a legalist!!!!!" I told him: he is mentally unstable, because, obedience to the Ways of God is commanded. Being obedient to the Lord Jesus is a good thing!!! Legalism is trying to earn your way to Heaven. Obedience is not Legalism! Now, go read the Old Testament!!

I would be hard pressed to understand how anyone could, profess faith, repent and believe, be legitimately saved, read the Bible, believe all that they read, and say, "But the bible doesn't say we have to do that"

There's your penny--Do you have any change!!