Friday, February 20, 2009

Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you for your prayers. I continue on “Mr. Toads Wild Ride.” I should be ecstatic about being home with my family. Kid you not every day I feel like I should be somewhere working. It is so weird. I have been conditioned to be a worker bee. I am desperate to not let fear and anxiety rob me of enjoying being home. For two weeks now, it seems like I have been going 90mph, but getting very little done. But I have enough in place, that I am soliciting work and a few jobs have come in. Thank you Lord.

Fortunately we had been trimming our expenses for more than a year and have reduced our “burn rate” quite a bit.

Was able to take Beth out for lunch and window shop with her on her birthday today! But I wasn’t able to relax and really enjoy it. I am going to the next Bible symposium in Avondale. I have the day off.I want to enjoy it.

When I go to bed I thank the Lord that he has pushed me out the door to get this going. I need His peace. I want to enjoy right where I am at, and not a year from now realize I was being robbed as I started to get things rolling. I go from being scared to death, to excited at what is to be.
Lord help me.

I juxtapose my situation with Gregs newsletter and Africa and things seem surreal. America needs trillions of dollars and they need fifty bucks. Crazy.

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