Monday, February 2, 2009

Orthodox VII

Coming back to the Bereans as mentioned by Rob. No we do not send the Berean’s to Vision Forum or to read Rushdoony or anyone else to see if it was so. They are not the standard either.

But what did the Bereans check out? To see if what was so? Whatever was being taught.

If they did check out Doony, American Vision, Generations, Knox, etc, and then checked to see if it was so. They might come we don’t talk about all these other things in Church?

We are very used to thinking, that it is just a narrow range of life, that should be checked against the word to see if it is so.

So, should we use our reason instead, to check out the rest? I hope that last sentence makes us nervous. But if it wasn’t the word what have we used? Just from sheer silence on what my pastors did and didn’t teach about, showed me what to expect about my faith.

I was in Big Lots on date night, with my lovely wife on Tuesday, and in the game section here was some "religious" puzzles. Jesus holding little children, Jesus looking at Zacheus in a tree. Of course! Jesus with children, Jesus and Zacheus! Side note: I have never seen a puzzle of Jesus clearing out the temple.

Can you imagine Jesus sitting in the cockpit of an F18 fighter with full after burner puzzle? How about Jesus testifying in front of Congress on the wickedness of the central bank turning our silver into dross in violation of his commandment puzzle.? “You brood of vipers!” Didn’t think so. But what if its Jesus sitting on the wing of the F18 with little children all around him? Maybe? How about Jesus giving a drink of cold water to a tired Fed chairman and wiping his brow after he has tried to save the economy all day puzzle?…… Inscription would read “Lo I am with you always…..” A little easier? Why? Because we have been conditioned to see our faith as touching only certain areas and in certain ways? Are these the areas we are comfortable seeing Jesus at?

Another question: what other areas of life would we align ourselves, with the Pagans and heathen! In thinking….”no, no, Jesus isn’t concerned about this area of life, he doesn’t want to be Lord over this.”

I have seen the consummation of all perfection. But your commandment is exceedingly broad. Psalms 119:96

The word broad is 7342 from the Hebrew “Rachab” …roomy in any (or every) direction , literally or figuratively: broad, large, at liberty , proud, wide.

Whoa! No wonder the next verse starts with….”Oh how I love your Law!...”

How big is our Jesus and his word ? And just as important. How do our kids see him and his word. May we glorify him, make him larger, so they see him roomy in any, or every, direction , large, wide, exceedingly broad!

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