Saturday, February 28, 2009

Economics....laws we are made to obey today that lack our consent...

This is a meaty but understandable column on our government and the Fed,the central bank. These cookies are placed down low....

The FED’s Unsound Theories
by Michael S. Rozeff

...Bernanke has a peculiar blindness to causation that is difficult to understand. His thinking about the Great Depression starts in the 1930s. He does not seek its roots in the FED’s actions in the 1920s and in the boom that the FED promoted that eventually came to grief. Similarly, in 2008, Bernanke has not gotten to the roots of the current depression. He acts as if depressions suddenly spring full-blown upon us and we need only deal with them at that point or before – with more inflation.

Bernanke’s answer to depression prevention and control is incredibly simple and naïve: "Thus we believe that policymakers should continue to maintain an inflation buffer and to act preemptively against emerging deflationary risks."

The simple fact is that policymakers maintained inflation at high rates for decades on end. There has been a very large inflation buffer! They have acted preemptively against deflation for decades! Bernanke has to be wrong, because after all of that, the deflation in prices has occurred anyway. The inevitable depression has arrived....

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