Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why some things dont work and need all this govt "help"

Everything Wilson has done in his Obama Nation building series is sweet. He is so needed today.

A Fat Roll of Twenties, by Douglas Wilson
....The rule of law is quite different from the rule of arbitrary rules, however legal those arbitrary rules might be. Rules that can be altered at a whim, rules that can be issued today and countermanded tomorrow, rules that squeak through Congress, may all be legal, but they do not represent the rule of law. In this sense, legality is not the same thing as lawful. The rule of law is that system of governance which enables the citizens of a society to predict what the other players, preeminent among them the government, will be bound to honor the day after tomorrow. Without that key element of predictability, rational preparation for the future ceases. When bills are rushed through Congress in order to address the current emergency, the current emergency will always require the alteration of the rules. That alteration may be perfectly legal, but it destroys the rule of law. May be legal, but it is not legit.

Suppose we gave referees the authority to constantly move the goal posts throughout the game. There is no way to do this without destroying the game, and under such conditions, there would be no real way to coach under such a system. Wait, I take that back. There is a way to coach under such circumstances, and that is to have a fat roll of twenties in your windbreaker, so that you can slip one to the refs as your circumstances warrant....

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