Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Secularism can only fake tolerance, diversity and inclusion'

Rushdoony used to point out that the cry for tolerance is used by outsiders, to gain positions on the inside, and then tolerance is forgotten about. It is a weapon when one wants to get rid of an old orthodoxy and bring in a new one. Here Wilson says it so well, its from 2005...

But Secularism Really Is Ugly, by Douglas Wilson
In the world of postmodern politics, truth does not matter -- and pressure does. One of the reasons postmodern theorists say that all truth constructions are really just disguised power grabs is to disable any who oppose them. Once the decks are cleared for action, up they jump with their own construction which (mysteriously) is not a power grab, in order to proceed with their power grab.

Another way of putting this is that Intoleristas are one-way relativists. They use relativistic "who's to say" arguments to deal with any and all rival truth claims, but when the smoke clears from those battles, they advance their own claims, against which they will brook no dissent whatever. This is why they have richly earned their name -- Intolerista. They will not allow any of their assumptions to be questioned or challenged, and if you try, they will brand you as someone peddling "hate." Hatred, of course, is defined as differing with them....

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