Friday, June 19, 2009

Christs kingdom extends to everything

Here are three related links for those that have an open ear for the topic of the Lordship of Christ over law and government, kings and presidents.

This first link is for Kevin Swanson and his talk on whether Christians should be in Government and implementing a biblical standard. Very well layed out, addresses most
Christian positions and compares them to Gods word. Mp3

Second is for a Sunday sermon by Douglas Wilson to President Obama. It’s a practical application that, all authority has been given to Jesus Christ. May the land someday ring from Sea to Sea with messages like this. Only 30 minutes. Mp3

Third is a posting of one of the Bayly brothers, joining with Wilson in declaring The Lordship of our savior to the Nation, from a Sunday sermon. More perspective on self defense, the role of magistrates and perspective about taking justice into our own hands, as in G Tiller’s killing. A taste…

"…..The kingdom and authority of Christ right here, right now is the reason the Gospel is so often a threat to earthly rulers. Earthly rulers live for today, not for the tomorrow of life beyond the grave. If our declaration of Christ’s authority is only future, it contains not the slightest threat to earthly kings who care nothing for the future. But Jesus is King right now. And every government and ruler which stands in opposition to the authority of Jesus Christ is a government and ruler which stands under the judgment of God now, not merely in eternity.

Yes, God will judge in eternity. But God causes kings and emperors to fall today. Herod is eaten by worms. Caesar is assassinated. Jerusalem is destroyed. Rome falls. God judges kings and kingdoms in human history as well as in heaven…."

This message is a powerful declarative word. I am going to read it to the family as a devotional. David Bayly is not confused about who is Lord. He is risen indeed! Makes me want to buy a scottish kilt and start walking around going "Aye....."

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