Friday, June 19, 2009

Loving God

Noting some things. Being aware of the times.....latent affects of Romanticism on a culture.

Emotions are king today. Politicians ,especially bad ones, self serving ones, do not try to make arguments for what they want to do. They seek to make emotional connections and on the emotional basis, “they are trying to help people”, push forward things that can fly in the face of reality.

Example: Most of our incorrect parenting springs from emotions. What the word says to do concerning raisng children is totally counter intuitive to our emotions.

Example: Homosexuality has been given a bath to the modern culture by constantly presenting to us homosexuals on TV and movies, whereby, they display and portray them in a manner that causes the culture at large to emotionally connect with them. Acceptance goes way up

The biblical Example for us: John was called the Beloved. He got to lean against the lord! Who wouldn’t like to be able to do that in the flesh! The disciple Jesus loved. Doesnt that make you drool?

I brought up on Sunday at Legacy, that when you look at the NT, all of it, and specifically at the writings of John what do you see? What? did our triune Godhead, leave through John, the bloved, as the expression of the thinking of someone who was able to, in the flesh, experience, feel, the love of Jesus.

Think tone and tenor. Go to any of the NT, but right now just and the 4 different books left for us by John, do they have the same tone and tenor as the Song of Solomon?

Not that it is all wrong, just noting what the overriding tone and tenor can be so often for us modern believers. The bookstores are full of it. What and how we connect, certain things, as Loving God, Loving Jesus. Whoa unto them that disparage our emotional certainties.

Compare that to the record, that the bible left us, on how it expresses, what and how, the love of the father and Son should look to us. This record was left to us by the God of merciful loving kindeness, everything touched by him sprang from righteousness. He is self defined as love. The Song of Solomon is there, praise God, but is it not, just one more aspect, rather than a controlling tone and tenor? It has a place,but not a controlling place.

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