Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Modern Chrisitans are Retarded

At Legacy, having rejected the sacred secular distinctions as we see them, we have been groping forward and kicking the political football around. Lunch seems a little louder.

But just because you reject something, it doesn’t mean that you now know what exactly should be in its place. So pick any topic or sub category of a topic about life and you spot your error… “Oh no! I have been thinking like a humanist, well no more!”… you don’t then automatically by default think biblically… Rats!

Rather what I have noticed is that you then usually move forward in spurts and lurches. Now it was because I had never been trained to have a biblical world view is the whole reason that I embraced humanism as a way of thinking, I had never been shown the correct way, even in church.

As a Christian it is imperative that we grasp, embrace and become inculcated with the whole Bible. Old and New Testament. Think of it like the Old and New as being a complete string of DNA to make up a Christian. If as a Christian you are missing some DNA, you will be retarded or deformed. To me, this explains so much about modern Christianity…..

When it came to how I had been choosing who gets my vote, Kevin Swanson’s talk at the UCFC Conference exposed my pragmatism and disobedience to God. Nothing has ever hurt so much or felt so good at the same time. And then Doug Phillips lately released a talk he gave on this topic and it was excellent, to help fill in the blanks as it were. Kevin stripped off error, Phillips gave understanding for going forward.

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