Sunday, August 3, 2008

Voting,Jesus is Lord over the whole thing

Here is an excerpt from Doug Wilsons blog on voting

Voting As Civil Sacrament and the Case Against McCain

...So let me begin by objecting to voting considered as a civil sacrament, piously enacted in the temple of democracy. To voting as a process of simply making a decision, I have no objection at all. When voting is simply decision-making, the people are in control of their government. When voting is a sacrament, the priests are in control of the worshippers. Let me say that again -- when voting is a sacrament, the priests are in control of the Temple, the Temple precincts, and the roster of acceptable names from which we have the privilege of selecting the next high priest.

Now I am not talking about the action of voting. I am addressing the pagan religious assumptions that go into it, and which many Christians need to get free of. I intend to vote this fall, but I don't want to participate in the unstated religio-political assumptions of the whole process. If I were to do that it would relinquish far more authority than I am exercising. I would not be pushing; I would be pulled. Now I do intend to vote as a statement of what I think we ought to do (decision-making). But I refuse to participate in this religious theater, I refuse to ascend up to the altar.

Now when I say that I am not going to vote for McCain, no how, no way, many culturally-engaged Christians hear this as me refusing to participate in the decision-making process. I see it rather as a refusal to worship in that temple any more...entire article

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