Sunday, August 24, 2008

House for Sale

My involuntary time off ends today. We signed the papers last night to list the house.( I mentioned Martin, our realtor, on my blog once. He quietly watch’s our inflammatory emailing) There is no way we could have done a fraction of what I got done while away from work. I am thankful for my unexpected time off. I cannot call it a restful week off. We covet prayer to sell it and for His direction afterwards.

I can now see that all along what had seemed more tangible to me, really wasn’t. It just seemed like it. What is seen is temporal, right? What is unseen is eternal. Can you taste, touch or feel God's law? Can you turn it over in your hand?

It did increase my desire to be able to work from my home or with my family in some capacity.

It also occurred to me Tuesday night that, God willing, when the house does sell and when we buy the next house I will be thinking in terms that it might be my son's house someday. I have never thought of it like that before. It took me aback slightly.

With a biblical worldview, in the future we will look for a house thinking “can we take care of grandma or grandpa from this house?” And then one of the kids families can take care of us when we are unable to, from this house, generational family relationships. We will not “retire” unto ourselves.

Rushdoony In his “Institutes of Biblical law” notes that…When Wyclif wrote of his English Bible that “This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people,”( sound familiar?) his statement attracted no attention insofar as his emphasis on the centrality of biblical law was concerned. That law should be Gods law was held by all: Wyclif’s departure from accepted opinion was that the people themselves should not only read and know that law but also should in some sense govern as well as be governed by it…

That was in the 1300’s. Everyone in Christiandom would’ve said Duhhhh! But today.....

Greg Bahnsen in his “Theonomy in Christian Ethics” book asserts “that it is unlawful to seek to be justified by the law” Which you would think, would just shut people up who say that “your trying to be justified by the law!” It is just out of the realm of possibilities that we would really use God's law as the basis for current law. You might as well be talking about winged monkeys. It just doesn’t make sense. So of course …“They must want to use God's law so they can be justified! Those fools!!!

Everyone needs to get their stuff turned in for family camp. It was the Noah event of 2007. Thank you all for praying for me after my last email. I was a mess.

I still am a mess. But it’s a good mess.

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