Thursday, April 24, 2008

What Is He Lord Of?

I have been poking and poking at this. I'm just throwing it out there and over time hope to get it right.

I wish sinks would hack and do fur balls. You know, like a cat. So that as it's getting clogged and slowing down as it's draining, you maybe would hear one of your kids yell “Dad…the bathroom sink is doing a furball!” you could then go in and scoop up the mess and your sink would work again. I hate having to clean out those traps. Absolutely disgusting.

(I was told by a father who had 7(?) kids that don't worry after awhile you will see you kid start to spit up and you will just stick out your hand to catch it. I don't remember doing that with Jamie or Kayla but recently I did it with Nathan. Didn't think twice about it, as it happened, but immediately remembered what he said as I did it.)

So that’s what I did last night. (The sink) Maybe it’s only at my house but from time to time it needs to be done. It's one of those things that when it needs to be done, I just go do it. I don’t pray first, ask God for help or anything. I just go take care of it.

My life long training as humanist is so hard to uproot. You know the lie, God is for spiritual things, inside your heart things, but for running a country or voting for someone you just have to be practical and get the sink fixed. Make the best choice you can. But whatever has been your yardstick to make those decisions becomes God for that area of life. Now there are only two yardsticks for reality and life, God's or man's. More on that in a bit.

So I want to start doing that. Asking God for help on just dumb stuff and trying to see “how does God want this done?”. He is Lord over sinks too.

I am starting to think that, there are so many areas for us that can be hard to get a grip on. Things we wish we could just say “ok, I won't do that anymore”, or “I will now be doing this”.

But we know its not always that easy.

Now I'm believing it's hard for some things to be dealt with correctly, because for every big thing, there are thousands of “smaller” areas of life, stuff that seems insignificant, sinks, etc, where we operate as humanists and don’t even see it. If you can function through most of life and not see how Jesus is Lord over everything. Then we miss out on the line upon line, precept upon precept, that is God's chosen way for us to interact with his world.

We instead operate as our own God's choosing as we wish to do, most….everything….? So because we as American evangelicals have really never been discipled, mentored, as God intended. We can see the big things…but it's hard to impossible to see that Jesus is just as concerned and wants his Kingship confirmed over all those other areas of life. He doesn’t even want the small things slipping between the cracks where we then function with them as humanists. He is a jealous God.

It's God's way or it's Humanism. That’s it. Wrap up all the phony religions and all unbiblical faiths and stuff like experientialism, etc, etc, and really they are all a further expression of Adam and Eve in the Garden thinking for themselves and then acting on it apart from God's instructions. Forget about the devil,he just eggs man on. Humanism, man decides. Jesus said “you are with me or against me”. So in every area of life you will be “with me or against me”. No neutral ground.

So Jesus, who over and over again throughout the old and New Testament has affirmed his rightful claim over everything, instead finds that he becomes “our Savior and soon and coming king.” He gets gyped of his Lordship over all of life and instead we let him save us and later he gets to be King.

If we become versed in approaching “life” and all it's details on his terms, then will what seems like the mountains to us now, just become another detail and can get handled properly like all the others? That presupposes we're working on all the others.

He said : “If you are faithful with a little….”

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