Saturday, April 19, 2008

From Doug Wilson, Ouch!

From Doug Wilson's Blog and Mablog...comentary about this coming election.

Velcro Candidate
...People like McCain draw the anger of the progressive nutroots base for the same reason that people like Lot made the Sodomites angry. He was hardly an unblemished advocate of righteousness, but there was something about him that reminded them of somebody who might be related to someone who was righteous...

I believe that the election this November is going to be a Republican blowout, rivaling that of Nixon/McGovern. This, despite the fact that the Republicans' commitment to principle has had the structural integrity of a wet napkin...

Ronald Reagan used to be known as the teflon president. Nothing would stick to him personally. On this set of issues -- i.e. any indicators of elitist contempt for red state Americans who eat corn dogs at state fairs -- Obama is the velcro candidate. Everything within fifty yards of this kind of thing will now stick to him. His privileged yet complaining wife, his fire-eating yet well-cushioned pastor, his hobnobbing with bombers of government buildings, his off-the-cuff remarks about bitter small-towners, will all conspire to keep him from being able to un-name himself...whole comentary

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