Saturday, April 5, 2008

Amen to This

God must be Lord of our pocketbook. Our tastebuds must submit to the Kingdom of God. When you identify someone or an organization that supports those who pervert God's order, we must not be found supporting them with either our goodwill or our money. this is From Rick Pearcy's Pro existance blog

No McDonald's Today
By Rick Pearcey

...Information from the Creator, not to mention simple lessons in biology, says there's a difference between diversity and perversity, between being pulled over for driving while black and being guilty of sinning while human.

A hamburger's worth giving up and giving in to all that?


McDonald's is now on trial.

The fries are good. Even great. But the worldview they support isn't fit for human consumption.

Maybe we'll stop by Chick-Fil-A instead. It's a little out of the way, but I hear they like families.

Real families -- not ones made up by the ACLU last Tuesday.

And what's an extra mile or two to vote with your pocketbook? One way or another, you always pay for your convictions.
pro existance blog

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