Saturday, March 22, 2008

If You Dont Know the Past...

As modern evangelicals we are fairly easy to manipulate. This whole multiculturalism ia a vulnerable area for us because we know very little of real American history. If you dont know what happened in the past then someone can tell you of a false history and say "its our heritage".

No, America's never been a multicultural society By Michael Medved

...Despite this dismal and consistent record, the fervent fans of multi-culturalism insist on an odd extreme of American exceptionalism: characterizing the United States as the one nation in history that’s strengthened, rather than threatened, by simultaneously sustaining distinct, disconnected cultural identities within its borders. According to the politically correct orthodoxy, we’ve always been a diverse collection of numerous nationalities with no single, unifying American culture. This notion implicitly rejects our national motto: “E pluribus unum” --- “out of many, one” – suggesting that the famous melting-pot never functioned as advertised. In place of the old idea of immigrants from everywhere blending their disparate backgrounds into something new, united and definably American, we now trumpet the ideal of distinct races and nationalities that flourish in their separate glory. The multi-culturalists love to talk about the Untied States as a gorgeous, colorful, multi-faceted mosaic, comprised of thousands of different but still distinctive tiles, or a complex tapestry with diverse scenes and styles in which no particular threads manage to predominate.

This description arises from irresponsible lies about the origins and history of the nation—distortions that require clarity and correction...entire article here

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