Monday, March 23, 2009

Who else lives on our block?

I have lived such a sheltered life as a mainstream christian. Clueless on what has been the other parts of modern christianity. I didnt even know their were other parts. I thought Catholics were the only relatives and those as like a shirt tale cousin or something.

This Chalcedon blog was interesting....

TIME Magazine Recognizes the New Calvinism by Chris Ortiz

....I personally find Piper to be the best representative of the New Calvinism of which TIME Magazine speaks. Piper is a pietist, and although there is a strand of that in puritan theology, it is in no way representative of the theocratic thesis found in Calvin. Ironically, Rushdoony wrote about Piper's kind of Calvinism and compared to what he referred to as "early Calvinism":

Early Calvinism was a vigorous and socially determinative force; today, Calvinism, or those who bear the name, is a quietistic, pietistic, and retreatist movement which is irrelevant to our world.

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