Saturday, June 21, 2008

We need Long Vision Going Forward and Backwards

Rob noted…

Interesting… another example of Americana (from Ken Myers): 2 church services; contemporary and traditional. Contemporary seeks to identify with the present.

Traditional seeks to identify with the past. Hmm… think about that in the context of July 4th…

Yes that’s what we need. To identify with what God has done in the past . Creation, his law, the early church councils, Augustine, the reformation, Knox, Calvin, etc. My old Baptist church would’ve been called as having a “traditional” service. But unfortunately the identity with the past that it sought to keep was probably the prior 20, maybe 50 yrs(?) . It had been soaked with just an older version of Americana. We need to find the flow of what God has been doing for the entire 6000 yrs of this planet.

We have been conditioned to think in terms of whats new, the latest greatest, new and improved , we want version 2.1 with all the patch’s. But we serve a God who say’s “I changeth not”.

For sure I will use the fourth of July to emphasize some memorial stones from the founding of our nation.

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