Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More Credenda Agenda

It's no secret, I enjoy Doug Wilson's Credenda Agenda and his Blog and Mablog site. Thought provoking. Humorous. This is from Crenda Agenda vol 17 number 3

The Art of Pettiness
Douglas Jones

Have you ever found yourself at a nice dinner party but can't find anything to take offense at? Is it getting harder to make people feel sorry for you? Do the people around you no longer bend to your silent punishments? Do you find yourself accidentally considering conflicts from other peoples' perspectives? Has your extrasensory gift for seeing motives become cloudy?

You might be in the early stages of beneficium creationis, a debilitating condition that causes memory loss, ironic giggling, and flippancy; side effects sometimes last for a thousand generations. Millions have found success in reversing the habits of this condition by relearning the ancient techniques of pettiness, the skills of counting mint, anise, cummin—or as we call it, the art of living small...
whole thing here

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