Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Reason to party

What do you take note of, and commemorate within your houshold? Our culture has made a science of commemorating the trivial...celebrities.

Douglas Wilson had a great idea today for Calvins birthday....So those of you who were thinking ahead last week saved some of your best fireworks for this evening's celebration, and you still have time to get some really fine chocolates to give to all the kids this evening.....

Help fashion a biblical culture within your family,one that will last and help your childrens, children, be ready for what ever direction God wants to take history 200yrs from now. My kids barely know of Michael Jackson. They know of Calvin, Tyndale, Knox, Cranmer, Machen, etc.

Those names of today, that my kids know of, Phillips, Wilson, Rushdoony, Bahnsen, etc are all men who appreciated and were pushing forward what the earlier names from christianity were doing. This form of Christianity is about the Lordship of Jesus over all of life and not just, Lord of our hearts . These types of men have been deliberately ignored by the likes of "Christianity Today".

Let the dead bury the dead. Will your future offspring relate to ideas from the reformation and biblical Christianity? Or will they be comfortable sitting amonst the dead?

Just gave Nathan a toy dump trunk from goodwill. Told him it was part of celebrating Calvins birthday. No he doesnt "get it".

Its important that I "get it".

Ice cream tonight.........

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