Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tea Party time

Thanks to all for your prayers for the Terry family small bizness venture. It continues to grow praise God!

I am so very thankful in what God is doing with it. But I rejoice even more with how God is bringing us more and more into the freedom and power of believing His word and what he has written for us......all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth...the word of the Lord is truth... the counsel of the Lord stands forever... we may not know how to apply it all correctly, but at least we have stopped appologising for what the creator, Lord God of the universe, and of our Salvation, has said.

We are catching ourselves and repenting from sitting in judgement over Him and His word. What hutspa we have had. Now we are just splashing around in the wading pool,getting his word everywhere, all over us, and the walls, falling down in it and throwing it over each other and onto every situation we see. We are baptizing the next generation in this mindset, that is the best part. It is so good, chunky style chile. Its a shame we have to get out of the pool to let Rob put some more water back in. It is such a hoot!

If you are comfortable with a christianity that knows its place in polite company, then you will be asking us to keep it down. Fat chance! Ha! for we will rejoice before the the Lord...that your way may be known on the earth,Your salvation among the nations....The God of Israel who only does wonderous things...

I have an excerpt from Doug Wilsons column today, he touches on a number of points that we have been chewing on at Legacy. This is about last weeks tea parties.

....First, I take it as a given that in order for any lasting good to come out of this kind of thing it has to be, or become, explicitly Christian. This event was implicitly and informally Christian, but in times like these, that is not good enough. I was going to say that for two cents more this kind of event would become explicitly Christian, but it might be more accurate to say that they would do so for two trillion more. We cannot say this often enough. In order to be saved, we have to return to Christ our only possible Savior. It will not be enough to return to an Ozzie and Harriet America. First, that America is not here any more, and second, it couldn't save us if it were.
Second, this kind of event presents a really interesting test case scenario for Christians who understand the need for an explicitly Christian approach to the polis.....

And this leads to the final observation. The world is a messy place. Christians who want the lordship of Christ to be openly acknowledged have two options -- they can detach or engage. If they detach, they are following the anabaptist option -- in order to build the pure city out in the open spaces somewhere. But if they engage, then they are signing up to try to steer something, as opposed to building it from scratch. This means that those who want to engage have two choices again -- do you want to latch on to the liberals and try to steer them, or latch on to the conservatives and try to steer them? Given those options, you could look at both helplessly, and decide to go back to the Hutterites. If you try to steer the liberals, or the conservatives, the chances are better than even that you will be the one steered (and used). That has certainly the pattern over the last century or two. But a large part of this is explained by the practice of the Christians (who showed up to steer) agreeing to leave all their divinely inspired maps at home. That might account for the problems. But what if we brought our maps this time?
(My emphasis David:)

Read it all here No "Trick My Truck" Campaign Bus

Are you done filling the pool Rob?

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