Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eating...but God is in control

More Douglas Wilson We should exersice wisdom over what we eat, but...

A Stick of Butter on the Forehead
...Beneath all of this is a desire to be in personal control. Our sickness and our health is in the hands of God, and we really don't really like it there. We would rather have the illusion of control than to trust, really trust, the one who does have control, and to follow His laws in learning how to function as faithful stewards of His with some real effect on the world.

We are like little kids in those little rides at the shopping malls, where the plastic car goes up and down, left and right, and the child turns the steering wheel to no effect, feeling that he is the master of his fate and the captain of his soul. We are faced with an array of electronic euipment that we barely understand, and we would rather twiddle the knobs aimlessly and assign values randomly, than to admit our helplessness and trust God for our health...

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