Thursday, May 1, 2008

Swanson, Brad Heath, What Happens At Gov't School

We have made it up to page 93 of Swanson’s “The Second Mayflower” book. The last almost 50 pgs have tried to get the reader to grasp that by almost any measure we are living under tyranny. These have not been uplifting pages. That we don’t recognize it as such, speaks to how, this too, has been re-defined by our culture. Afterall we live in America, land of the free and home of the brave.

On his conclusion pages in this section he makes note that he thinks the homosexual marrage issue has been lost. Barring God moving differently…. It's just a matter of time, one of his reasons is that the schools “ teach an education not rooted in the fear of God. But rather a religion of tolerance, pluralism and polytheism…doesn’t matter how many republicans you elect…,or money you spend….because education works….and now 70% of those under 35 yrs old, (the generations coming behind us) support homosexual unions.” (It's no big deal to them. ) By definition public schools will endorse statism and immorality….as long as Christians support the godless agenda by supporting the governmental educational system, and as long as they send their children to these schools, they will lose every political battle in the long run.”

I hadn’t noticed at first, that Kevin Swanson did a worldview message to his congregation just before he started his economic series. Very good. You can download it for free here. He uses the biblical principle of Leaven , As in to “Leaven the whole lump of dough” to help explain worldview. Perfect. I predict that the phrase "another women of faith conference" will be as popular as... Super Uzzah!

For most of us we have been leavened in a manner, exactly opposite, to God's instructions through the government schooling and the popular culture at large. Instead of us seeing God as upholding all things and seeing his perspective for all that’s around us. We were what? Given the most sophisticated, form of humanism. One that has managed to soak us, even believers, to the bone. It convinced us, that it's not any viewpoint at all. Why we were just learning about facts.

About 4 months ago? Or so, I started on Bradley Heaths book “ Millstones and Stumbling Blocks” ( get used copies from 7 bucks) Understanding education in a post Christian America. I only read about a chapter every few weeks/month. Because it just seemed that he so overkilled the point he wants to make with us modern evangelicals, that to have our kids educated by government schools is to violate God's word, every which way from Sunday. I have not read any more since chapter five. Each chapter just seemed like such a body slam that it really didn’t seem like I needed to go further. Look out…Heath points out that "we tend to be offended when our unexamined beliefs and easily accepted notions are challenged." Pride.

This book will not be a best seller at your local Christian bookstore. If you do understand how your worldview controls how you respond to everything, everything, and how leaven really does work through the whole lump of dough, then it just doesn’t seem possible that God Hates government schooling. But if he does, and if he is your Lord…..

Impossible many will say, partly because we have all known good Christians who are teachers and they love the Lord. I have known two believing Principles as friends. But only by the light of God's word can we say for sure that we haven't been taken captive, not just because we don't want to believe it.

Mr Heath opened the book with Proverbs 24:11-12

Deliver those who are being taken to death, And those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back. If they say, “See we did not know this,”

Does he not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does he not know it who keeps your soul? And will he not render to man according to his work?

Here is a sprinkling of Mr Heath's observations……

God's word must be used to judge what is being done, not just the stated goal…

The schooling lacks substance, integration and context….Knowledge without wisdom…

The irrelevance of God is the fundamental doctrine of Public schools…. Modern education presupposes in both content and context the irrelevance of God…

You get 12 yrs of content and context that said there is no God and if he is there he does not matter, except maybe for personal spiritual matters on Sunday….

His biggest charge against the Schools….an unwavering commitment to secularism (humanism, which remember it is a religous faith) - universally held, religiously practiced, and judiciously enforced….God is not honored, obeyed or acknowledged in these schools,

Schools claim exemption from the Lordship of Christ …this is bias, contempt, rebellion against God and his word…12 yrs of training to think like an athiest

We would recoil in horror if another believing friend sent their kids to a Islamic school or a jehovahs witness school, but it is the same thing.

Ok, Im back, the fact that I have only recently understood and can see this, that after 39 yrs as a believer I couldn’t spot this, screams how loudly my own lump had been leavened. I didn't see a verse that said "thou shalt not public school your kids". Ninety percent(?) of the churchs cannot see this. Those that can are afraid to speak the truth, this is so engrained into us.

I must keep scraping away at my "unexamined beliefs and easily accepted notions”

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