Thursday, January 24, 2008

What's Up With the Church? From Barna

Ok, Barna released a another survey back in December. It concerns Christian parents and how they are uncomfortable with what they buy for their kids. But they feel compelled to make these less than wise purchases so they will be in good standing with their offspring.

The contrast between life lived in the fear of the Lord (the examples from the 10 Commandment DVD’s) verses the fear of man couldn’t be clearer. We have been so trained by the culture at large that it is wrong to make any judgments and this is compounded in spades when the Church itself doesn’t want to take much of a stand on so many areas for fear that people will leave. Why? It's important that these people keep coming because they need their lives to be changed, And these buildings and salaries’ need to be paid so... we wind up with lukewarm mush rather than the clear declaration of God's word.

...Observations about the Findings

The outcomes struck the study’s lead researcher, George Barna, as reflective of the challenge Christians face in today’s culture.

"Millions of Christian parents want to appear to be relevant in their children’s eyes, and to provide gifts that fit within the mainstream of postmodern society," Barna noted. "The problem is that many of the entertainment products that meet those criteria conflict with the moral precepts of the Christian faith. Parents have to make a choice as to what is more important: pleasing their kids’ taste and sensibilities, or satisfying God’s standards as defined in the Bible. When the decision made is to keep their children happy, the Christian parent is often left with a pit in their stomach...

Woe is us!

the tragic story is here

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