Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is dead on from Douglas Wilson today...

...But let us deal with the substance, and not with the words. A free market means that you need to have the freedom to fail. If you don't have the freedom to fail, then your economic transactions are answerable to some regulator or bureaucrat, and not to God. And, depend upon it, that regulator or bureaucrat will screw it up. God has built accountability into the world. He is not mocked. But if you insist on having the government step in every time somebody new is going to learn what comeuppance means, then you are at war with the concept of accountability.

But accountability is the word that the minions of Congress keep using. They are waving it around as though it sets up some kind of mystical aura of protection, which it actually does, for them. Insisting on accountability for others means that they can forestall . . . accountability for them. Very useful magic word....whole column

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