Saturday, May 2, 2009

Give Ear to the Law of God, it has multiple parts

This is thinking out loud, reflecting on the word, so nobody choke on your coffee. part 1 was here

Gabe It catches some of the flavor yes...

The first passage I noted God was stressing his Law, “…Give ear to the Law of God…” even though he cast off the sacrifice. What struck me is that God makes a distinction within his old covenant with man. That it is not. An all or nothing package, from him to us. That is how I used to see it. Because Jesus had taken the place of the sacrificial aspect of the covenant then the Law was all gone. Giant assumption on my part and I know its wrong now. The Isaiah passage showed God treating his law separate from the sacrifices, even though they are part of the law, so its not a lock,stock and barrel proposition.

This passage you have is a little different then the second piece of scripture that I couldn’t find. Saul wants to sacrifice but God wants obedience. Obedience to what? In this case it was to specific instructions from God. Obedience.

I have been trying to pay attention to what and how the Bible shows/says is Gods heart about his law, his word. The commandments, statute’s, judgment’s, precept’s, laws are integral part of Loving God, by his own words. Obedience is to result from fearing him and honoring the first three commandments. Try and find anything else in scripture that is stressed like this was. The intensity in Exodus and Deuteronomy are unmatched by anything else in the old Testament.. In the new testament you don’t see anything with that intensity. What comes close…is in Galatians, the oven is turned up pretty high. Subject matter is salvation by faith. Worthy of some heat, no?

Don’t get knee jerky on me. The four gospels will equal in mass yes, they are communicating that Jesus is the Son of God and what he did, the ultimate sacrifice, which is galactic in scope and consequence. But Christ by himself without his Law word, his justice, leaves us with a gooey mess. Direction less. We had Francis Schaeffer with “How then shall we live?” and he couldn’t answer the question because he wouldn’t allow for Gods law.

Even though God never rescinded his Law and we had Jesus, and John declaring that if you love Jesus/God keep his commandments. It was reinforcing and turning the new church to the basic operating instructions given by God. Direction,purpose.

Intensity. Like it is life and death. That is the word that colors best, both the tone and tenor of God setting up his covenant and especially the Law portion. Because it was life and death. We still don’t think it’s a big deal. Not just once but over and over it is hammered home. I am God, I love you, fear me, obey me, it is for your good, it is your wisdom, it is understanding, it is my righteousness, it reflects my merciful loving kindness to you. Everything else is death. Got it?

The other passage I saw was the same type as the first I shared, God gives the raspberry to the sacrifices but in the same breath he is drawing attention to his law. I will find it again. But I am wondering how many more are like it.

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