Friday, February 20, 2009

If You Can, Get Your Freedom.....

Jason encouraged and made me think with an observation as a free man in Christ. I had never thought of it that way. Doug Wilson said years ago that we are a nation of slaves with Winebagos. I recently responded to an inquiry about my work status by saying I was unemployed. My wife had to correct me, your not unemployed, your self employed! One step at a time...

A couple of things economic wise. Gary north has been dead on, in not reading tea leaves, but seeing where foolish economic policy will lead too.
He has this column up today concerning keeping a pantry, He has it on his free side....This article is open to the public. I hope it gets wide circulation. I hope Web surfers find it. We need additional realistic people who will be in a position to help rather than in need of help...

Prior to losing my job I had already talked with my car and house insurance companies and lowered my expenditures significantly. The companies are getting lots of calls like mine and were ready with alternatives. They want to keep your business.

Since being home I have closer scrutinized my electric rates and switched. Noon to 7pm. We will be very careful during that mid day window. Its your peak usage during that time that counts. If I didn’t change any usage it should’ve saved me $300 this year. I have greatly changed our usage.

I found that home Depot has those 60watt florescent energy bulbs, 4 for $1.88 . Only 14watts vs my old 60watts regular fan bulbs. These same bulbs used to be almost 9 bucks. They said APS is subsidizing to get people to change. Worked for me.

We have set up a clothes line and the drier has been quiet. I live in AZ, why was I paying to dry my clothes? It helps with two daughters, yes.

My last email I spoke with confidence that I should enjoy where I am at and not be robbed of my joy while things get going. I hope that didn’t come across as presumptuous. As I have no letter From God saying “don’t worry this will work.” As Paton the missionary to the Hebredies said when he saw a massive line of screaming warriors streaming over a hilltop towards his little mission I am a staunch Calvenist, but I am no fatalist....We grabbed our papers and ran....

What I am doing seems logical and obvious in front of me, It is something that I have been trying to get the pieces in place to do at some point. But kind of thought, forget it, when the economy really tanked. I Believe God thought different. I don’t think he wanted me to go back to Schumacher European either.

But for all I know I could be selling lemonade along cave creek road in the future. Only with his blessing will this venture happen and I am keenly aware of it. I am not trying to grab the American dream but rather as St Paul said....if you can, get your freedom.....

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