Sunday, February 15, 2009

We mean well....

Doug Wilson showing how good intentions can miss the mark. This is classic. So long as we can say a word about Jesus we will give away the faith.

The Cow With Some Evangelistic Liturature
From blog and Mablog cannot present the gospel in a biblical fashion without confronting idolatry, and the whipped up concerns over global warming reveal the idolatries of modern man in quite a striking fashion. A galloping stampede is no time for one cow to mention casually to another cow that Jesus can provide a deep and lasting rationale for our continued panic....

Christian worldview thinking is not that which urges Christians to be leaders in the stampede.

The State is not our Savior, and the fact that western man is now en masse demanding that the State step in to save us is not an argument for Christians to go along with it in the vain hope of being given an opportunity to say a few words about Jesus later...

The State, the false god of our times, and a preeminent and notable liar, tells me that the ice caps are melting,...They tell me this when all the evidence that is available to my senses directly goes clean contrary to what they are saying,....We have gotten to the sorry pass of the State demanding that I walk by faith, and not by sight.....

Christians have bought into the myth of neutrality, and this means that they think that non-believers do not really have a public and idolatrous system of worship and culture. We think, when we present the gospel to non-believers, that we are only showing them the way out of their private sins. That is part of the whole picture, certainly, but it reverses the order that we find in the Bible. In Scripture, we are to challenge the center of their worship first, and after individuals have been baptized and have submitted to Christ, who has replaced the idol -- then we teach them how to walk with Him in a manner that subdues their private lusts. But modern evangelism wants new Christians to conquer their private lusts while considering it their continued duty to visit the temples of Aphrodite. And Christians who won't pay homage there anymore are clearly trouble-makers and a bad witness.

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