Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We Want Our Leeks And Garlic

I thought this column today from Gary North was great.
He puts some stuff out on Lew Rockwell's to get new lookers to his sight. His observations about Joseph and Pharoah from the standpoint of out of control governments or should I say "we want to control everything governments" was to good. Fun biblical analysis from history.

Taxation Under the Pharaohs and Today
by Gary North

...In 1963, I was a student at Westminster Theological Seminary. There, I heard about the interpretation of this section of the Bible that had been offered by a popular professor at a small Presbyterian college that sent graduates to Westminster. As the story came to me, the professor had argued that this was a biblical case for central economic planning and taxation. I decided then that I would eventually write something that addressed this interpretation. I did so in 1982 in Chapter 23 of my book...

...Joseph in Egypt brought the Egyptian nation more firmly under tyranny. Why? For the same reason that the prophets of Israel and Judah said that God would judge them by captivity in foreign lands. The Egyptians had attributed to a man what God alone possesses: absolute sovereignty. They had declared their faith in the divine State. Joseph let the Egyptians get a taste of tyranny.

Eventually, Israelites were given this same lesson. A pharaoh arose who did not honor the tradition of Joseph. Under Joseph, the Israelites inherited the land of Goshen. That inheritance was removed by the Egyptians...


...In today's world, to get back to the tyranny of Egypt – 20% of income – the various levels of civil government would have to cut taxes by at least half.

The trouble is, the voters' response is familiar. "And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants." They do not cry out to God for deliverance back to the "low-tax" regime of Egypt. Egypt was a veritable flat-tax paradise compared to modern America. Yet Christians and Jews vote for more of the same...the whole article

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