Sunday, April 27, 2008

Focus on the Families "The Truth Project"

A clarification. I often speak of modern evangelicalism and what has been missed and/or ignored and I think everyone knows I am speaking of where we have been. How for most of us it's our heritage. You don’t pick your relatives. But if we think that just because we have left somewhere, and at the same time all of the incorrect worldviews were just left behind too, than we are mistaken. We will need flat headed screwdrivers to scrape off some of these incorrect ways of approaching life. “The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force…”

But I don’t want anyone to think I am laying blame on top of Rob and Jason. I think these men are trying hard to be obedient and are trying to be diligent with where they have soberly found themselves at this point in history. Praise God, this Nation is gonna need thousands more willing to take another look at what has been written and directed to us from his word. And foreheads of flint to move forward, because we are liable to be hated before the church at large turns around.

Now... this is pure 100% Americana: it's all about the individual. We celebrate the rugged individual. Everything is in terms of the individual. The individual and what they want is made almost a right. Nay, it is sacrosanct. A 90% majority might think something should be a certain way. In America today to stop that 90%, all you need to do is find one (1) person that feels the 90% represent a hurtful, hate speech, and it will be expected for the 90% to back down as the decent thing to do.

We have been driven as American parents to make sure that every potential of our kids are discovered, used and developed. We have been conditioned to think and say towards our child ”I just want you to be happy”. Now I'm just scratching the tip of the iceberg here, in stating the perspectives that our modern culture has imposed on our thinking, and that’s just to make the point that all of these perspectives make up a worldview that is humanistic to the core. Because using our Bibles…” you cannot get to there from here”.

But it is just because of this worldview that so much is done, the way that is done, in the modern church and in the typical believers life. As modern evangelicals we have taken this basic grid, this Americana understanding of life and meshed the Christian faith right on top of it. “See they do fit.” From God's point of view it must have been ugly!

When you sometimes buy something from Costco, it might be a big batch with all these individual packages and sometimes it will say… ”not for individual resale”. It is not the manufacturer's intent for them to be used that way.

We don’t have labels on us, or on our bibles saying, “not made for an individualized worldview use.” In the Word, God is always dealing with individuals within the terms and perspectives that he created, as in the context of the family, the church (his people) or a Nation.

But we modern evangelicals have been trained to view everything from the individuals perspective outward. So we might view everything from an incorrect perspective, form a humanistic perspective on our terms, as compared to on God's terms. Now this is like having the wrong prescription for your eyeglasses. oops.

We think “I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ”. Which we do.

But we don’t think “God has a relationship with me, that’s based within the context of my family over generations, my church, and my nation.” For most of the modern church this last sentence would probably make no sense.

This has not happened to us by accident. Public schools and a church that honored peoples feelings more than God and his word explains an awful lot. So….

I am up to number 6 in the Focus on the Family's “The truth Project”. I think there are twelve DVDS. This set does a very good job at introducing the concept of worldviews to the larger evangelical church. It is much needed. Just finished the history one tonight, awesome job, a bulls eye on this one.

So far I would say they don’t go far enough, tonight they did though. But at least the stage is set, some ground work is being laid, for areas of understanding with brothers and sisters.

One of the major stumbling stones I hope they address is what I started with in this email. That of viewing life from the individual perspective, rather from within God's context for life. Now again, Praise God they did that in number 6!

But as far as those basic areas that we have upside down, like what is the family for, what is marrage for, what are children for, what is the church for, what are nations for, what is civil gov't for etc, etc. For those, I am getting the feeling that they will stand pat with how they are mostly viewed by believers today.

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