Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What's The Standard, Who's Your God? Email And Friends

What's the standard? On what basis can we say anything is right or wrong? Who says?

Every nation and culture is theonomic in basis and foundation, every last one of them. When you scratch down below the surface you eventually find the standard. When you get there, whatever occupies that place, you have found their god/God.

Is it a panel of experts, 5 black robed judges on the Supreme Court, a legislative body of some kind, a dictator, 50% plus one of the people, or is it up to the individual or plain old public opinion. For the Christian it should be God.

I do think it was a pretty good trick to get the Christians to be comfortable trading off the rule of God for the "neutral" rule of man. Thank you government schooling to have inculcated into our thought process the frame work to pull that off.

So, it's not a question of whether you think a theonomy is good or not. It's what kind of theonomy do you think is right? The question is, who do you think should be sitting on the throne? Choices get thin very fast it's either A)God or B)man.

Jesus is our example and He, who only said what the father said and only did, what He saw the father do would say "I choose A" If anyone wants to argue that he would choose B, I'm open to hear about it.

But do we believers lead the charge against God and his Word being the standard for all of life, the basis for all of law. I want to put out some quotes from Rushdoony's book "Law and Liberty" A little beef jerky for the mind, something to chew on as we try to take every thought captive to Christ.

From the chapter "Can We Legislate Morality"

"Now our increasingly humanistic laws, courts, and legislators are giving us a new morality. They tell us, as they strike down laws resting on biblical foundations, that morality cannot be legislated. But what they offer is not only legislated morality but salvation by law, no Christian can accept this…Supposedly these laws are going to give us a society free of prejudice, ignorance, disease, poverty, and all other things considered to be evil…" pg2

"..When the humanist tells us therefore "you cannot legislate morality," what he actually means is that we must not legislate biblical morality, because he means to have humanistic morality legislated. The Bible is religiously barred from the schools because the schools have another established religion, humanism

From "Law and Nature"

…" In every area of our lives, we are governed by laws: whether we eat or sleep, work, or play we move in law spheres. Our eating obeys laws of nutrition and digestion: our sleep is governed by physiological laws: our every activity involves one law sphere or another…" pg24

From "Law and Authority"

"All thinking appeals to authority, and the question is to ask of any man or of any philosophy or religion, is simply this: "what is its authority"? To what does it appeal as the foundation, the basis of its thinking?…pg32

"..No man can escape the problem of authority, every man…will appeal to some authority as basic and ultimate to life. Most authorities revered by men are human authorities: the individual, the state, these are all humanistic authorities….

"If there is no higher law than beyond man, than man is his own god, or else his creatures, the institutions he has made, have become his gods. When you choose your authority, you choose your God, and where you look for your law, there is your god…"pg33

"…schools.. exalt the authority of the democratic state. They exalt the authority of democracy and undercut the authority of God, whom they bypass as though he were irrelevant to education."

Two great questions to remember, "How do you know that’s true?" and "who says?" These two questions will take you to their leader real fast.

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