Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What did the early church think...

Someone posed a question for clarity sake. Please expand your thoughts on "They knew that there was a standard. And knew what that standardwas. The Old Testament wasn’t explained away. It was life."

"I would like to better understand what you mean by this statementespecially "It was life" in regards to the early church."

Thanks for the question.

At first I thought I could give a quick answer. But, no way. First let me say that what you asked about is really where I am pointing out a contrast between the early church and the face of modern Christianity. Part 1 is a brief look at us moderns, Part 2 will be a look at the first 1000yrs and the Reformation.

Christ is the way the truth and the life, the ceremonies and rituals for access to the Father were fulfilled in Him and the veil was torn in two. With that said, let there be no confusion with what’s coming next.

Part1 This is a thumbnail of where and why the modern church looks the way it does. I think it will give clarity then, when I compare to the early church.

The first 1000 yrs of Christianity have no equal in history but with the Renaissance there was a break with Christianity and a return to Paganism, 1200-1600AD, result: church and state fought for supremacy and the never before seen accomplishments of Christianity started to be lost. Reason was asserted on par with Gods word. About the same time came the Reformation, where as a result Gods Word, sola scriptura became the standard, again! At least in the northern parts of Europe, this is our protestant start. And as so nicely put by Otto Scott...Coherence was restored to what the Renaissance had made incoherent.

As a result of the reformation you then had teaching from the pulpit that was unknown to us today. ( but its coming back big!) Easiest quick reference of this would be David Bartons worldview talk, sermons on railroads, executions, the conduct of the army, etc from the early American pulpits, and here is a link to an online source of political sermons from the 1700-1788’s. God’s word was seen to touch everything. This was the soup our nations founding fathers sat in, WOW!

Then with the enlightenment, pure reason was elevated above all. The Romanticism 1800-early 1900’s was a reaction, a backlash against reason. Emotions were declared the only true reality. Evangelicalism (here’s my family!)was birthed in this period partly as a reaction against some facets of the Reformation. Then Evangelicalism was whipsawed, first by what is called modernity ( science will show the way) and then the postmodern period ( rats! science didn’t work!) to our modern relativism of today. ( there are no answers!)

Let me acknowledge Francis Schaffers “How should we then live” video series. Without anyone ever asking us, we were all outfitted with glasses, where by, we bring presuppositions that color how we read and interpret the Word. This take's us to the modern church with its fruit of being pulled along with the culture.

Paul never imagined that his teaching would open the possibility of a different standard.

Part 2. lets go to the other end of the spectrum, to the early church.

Historical reference point. The cannon of the old and new testament was not established till about 375Ad. If we refer to the NT church as being what sprung up just after the resurrection, all they knew, their reference point, their guide as the bible was the OT. For a very long time.

Jesus through his Word, the Bible, left a witness to us on the relationship between the Old and New testament.

Paul commended the Bereans , because they searched the scriptures to see if what he said was so. I think we can learn much from what is, and is not being said here.

The only scriptures they had to search IN the Bible then was the OT. He ( Paul) says they searched the scripture to see if it was so. Paul didn’t have a problem with that concept of.... searching the OT.... to see if something is so. Would we have a problem with that? ( pondering? would Paul be ok if he heard that I used to really only use the NT for guidance for life? I think he would have kittens.) Paul thought it was great that his teaching was verified by the OT.

Did Paul, Jesus or any of the writers of the new testament ever give a warning to its readers along the line of, “you cannot see this in the OT, or hold The OT "lightly" because this is so different.

Our Lord Jesus Christ for now hundreds of years, not by accident, but with his perfect council, left this as an example, an encouragement and exhortation on evaluating someone’s teaching of the Word.

The recurring phrase through-out the new testament is "as it is written" which can only have been the OT.

Now two examples from scripture... I saw this monday night.... In Hebrew 's we read...Jesus is the same , yesterday, today and forever!

Jesus in Malachi, his last words to his people before his arrival is about what? In Mal he is ripping into his teachers because they have been slack or partial in his Law and states that the people should be able to go to the teachers and get instruction on the Law. In multiple places in Mal. This is stressed.

Mal 3:6-7 I am the Lord thy God and I changeth have gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them... See also 2:6-9

400 years later and now Jesus is in the flesh and he is seen multiple time's still tearing into teachers (ouch) because....You have made the Law null and void by your traditions!

Now here’s where this phrase really is referencing....."They knew that there was a standard. And knew what that standard was. The Old Testament wasn’t explained away. It was life."......

Paul in what is the textbook example of giving instruction to a NT pastor says in

2Ti 3:14-17 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

You have to pinch yourself , because Jesus left this as a NT witness about the OT. Jesus said the OT was good for equipping…. for some good works? for only some areas of life? That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Martin Selbrede pointed out how the OT witness about itself in Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Its past tense, God has already shown, you don’t have to wait, I have shown you. …To do justly…How do you organize a society, culture or nation so that you will …do justly…

God (not me or any one else!) said he has shown us. We can know… what is good …because God left a record of justice that reflects his character. 2 Timothy3:14-17

Is this the worldview, the mindset embraced and taught by the seminary and bible colleges today? Who changed the priority? In modernity we have not only given his law the boot we have to disregard some of the clearest instructions in the NT to do it.

The OT. Gods only revealed standard for mankind. Will we suggest that what he gave "his" people, is less than the best standard for any people, at any time, to live by, that the mind of man can come up with a better society?

And here is where some of the fruit from an absolute standard started showing up, it changed and shaped the culture....After the second century Christians spoke of spiritual liberty, as of Constantine in 4 century, Christians by the light of Gods word, worked to end slavery, even though every society up till then thought it was ok. Also from the 4th century, Ideas of civil equality were developed. Remember its not till 375 that the NT is canonized

This was all part of the good news. The idea that God reigns and government's only administer became the norm. That governments were limited by God had never been a part of previous governmental ideas. That was from Jesus saying... give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s….

And until the Renaissance and the rebirth of pagan Greek and Roman ideas every King, Monarch and ruler in the what was called Christendom knew he had definite limits on his power and duties to perform. Because Gods word was the standard, and was acknowledged as the standard by Christianity.

There is a string of continuity from the early church up to the reformation and then was almost lost 200 years ago. David Barton is a hoot to listen too, he can rattle off Laws that the founding father's enacted and then give the specific OT law that it is drawn from. Amazing. I think Barton is as Evangelical as the day is long. He is one of the foremost authorities on this topic.

That’s my expanded thoughts on…"They knew that there was a standard. And knew what that standard was. The Old Testament wasn’t explained away. It was life."

I have larned so much from Otto Scott, Rushdoony, Phillips, Swanson, Botkin and it is to them I credit for helping me to begin to understand all this

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