I first referenced a talk From Martin Selbrede on economics here.
I have since read all 5 position papers. They are written with a solid bilical foundation and from the perspective that the Lordship of Jesus exstends over all. This scares people. This scares Christians the most I think. I love to read writing like this. We are used to being amused. Which means to not think. The folks at Chalcedon make me think. Stretch your mind,learn to think like a Christian. Here are links to the other four papers.
, Education, Liberty, and the Bible ,
...The alleged intention of private school regulation is to insure
quality of education. But this is simply not true. The state has
never been interested in quality. Accreditation is a ruse used
by statists to maintain control. H.L. Mencken stated that “The
aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all;
it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the
same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down
dissent and originality.”....
...The control of education by the state has a long, ominous
history. Emperor Julian of Rome acted against the Christians
by decreeing “the classics could only be taught by the pagans,
which meant the introduction of pagan teachers into Christian
schools. The curriculum had to include anti-Christian works.
One such required text was an anti-Christian and forged Acts
of Pilate, required reading for all schools”...
Judgment, Politics, and the Bible
...Neglecting God’s Word and entrusting the state to
handle poverty, education, or anything not expressly assigned
to it by God’s Word brings God’s curse. Jer. 17:5 treats the
person who trusts in man, who makes flesh their arm, as one
“whose heart departeth from the Lord.” To entrust the state
with prerogatives that God is holding us individually
accountable for means our hearts have departed from Him....
, National Defense and the Bible
...the failure of the civil magistrate (or in
modern terms, the civil government) to defend its citizens
from invading attackers is a transgression of God’s eternal
law. We are commanded, “Thou shalt not stand idly by the
blood of thy neighbor” (Lev. 19:16). Psalm 50 further
expands on the idea of “standing idly by,” indicating that it
constitutes actual consent to the evil being perpetrated. And
to consent to murder is regarded by God as being a party to
that murder, based on (1) Psalm 50:18’s elaboration of Lev.
19:16; (2) Saul of Tarsus’s consent to Stephen’s stoning at
Acts 8:1 and his later application of this law to himself at
Acts 22:20 when he confessed that “when the blood of thy
martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and
consenting unto his death” (to stand by Stephen’s blood was
to consent to his death)...
On the principle that “the
things that happened to them [Israel] are examples written
down as warnings for us” (I Cor. 10:11), we must remember
that all of Israel’s military campaigns that she initiated
independent of God failed and that all of Israel’s legitimate
wars were either defensive or involved the unique one-time
disinheritance of Canaan...
, Taxation, Liberty, and the Bible
...Property tax:
God owns the earth and everything in it (Ps. 24:1, Ex. 9:29, I
Cor. 10:26), so He alone can tax the land. He does so through
tithes, which are not the province of the state but of individuals,
the people. To tax property is to tax God, an idea understood
by America’s founding fathers, who denied Parliament
the power to tax real property in the first session of the
Continental Congress in 1774. Such taxation is an assertion of
the state’s authority over God, heralding a clash over
sovereignty between man and God. God, not man, is lord over
His creation; He is sovereign by right of ownership....
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